
Teaching of the members of Grassland Sciences at ETH Zurich addresses students from the Department of Environmental Systems Science and students within the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center. Courses are offered in the spring semester and the fall semester. Bachelor and Master theses are supervised by many group members, most often linked to on-going projects. Open topics you can find Download here (PDF, 5.4 MB).

We aim to provide relevant background information about scientific facts and theories as well as about experimental methodology and scientific writing, to encourage and train students to think critically and develop computational competences and problem-solving skills in an interdisciplinary, international setting, to challenge students to be innovative and to explore new frontiers of science and apply their skills to current problems of a fast changing society.

Using various teaching and coaching approaches, our goal is to communicate science and to foster a scientific atmosphere that allows students and early-career scientists to learn by many different ways, to become aware of the manifold interactions among the civil society and the environment as well as to gain a profound understanding of what being a responsible scientist means.

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