Mentoring and Coaching
Mentoring and coaching early-career scientists are part of the education and training philosophy of the Grassland Sciences group. Different activities are carried out on a regular basis within the group (e.g., annual appraisal talks with doctoral students and postdocs took place many years before they became mandatory) but also within the framework of external projects (e.g., as Gender Representative in large EU projects or in national and international mentoring programs) or on demand.
Prof. Nina Buchmann is member of the external page ETH Women Professors Forum.
She also participates/participated within the following mentoring programs:
- external page Fix the Leaky Pipeline: For young female scientists within the ETH Domina. Mentorship finished, program is on-going.
- FrauschafftWissen: For female scientists in Switzerland. Mentorship finished, program finished.
- external page KarriereWegeMentoring at University of Greifswald (Germany): For female PhD students. Mentorship finished, program is on-going.
- external page Leibniz-Mentoring: For female scientists within the Leibniz Association, Germany. Mentorship finished, program is on-going.
- Mentoring Deutschschweiz: For female postdocs and advanced doctoral researchers at universities in the German speaking part of Switzerland. Mentorship finished, program finished.
- external page Minerva FemmeNet: For female early-career scientists of the Max-Planck-Society. Mentorship finished, program is on-going.
- external page MuT: For highly qualified female junior researchers in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Mentorship finished, program is on-going.
- external page ProFiL: For female scientists within the larger Berlin area. Mentorship finished, program is on-going.
- external page ProProfessur: For female scientists qualifying for a professorship at universities in Hessen, Germany. Mentorship finished, program is on-going.
- external page Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes: For female scientists at universities in western Switzerland and at EPFL. Mentorship finished, program is on-going.
- external page COMET - Coaching, Mentoring and Training: For female researchers at University of Bern. Mentorship on-going.
Further topics relevant in the context of mentoring and coaching include linking family and science, career options and funding opportunities. Thus, Prof. Nina Buchmann accepted several invitations to panel discussions, oral presentations and workshops about such issues, particularly important for early-career scientists.
In 2007, Prof. Nina Buchmann received the ETH Zurich award "Das Goldene Dreirad" (The Golden Tricycle) for the most family and staff friendly leader at ETH Zurich.