FORCAST: Forest Carbon - Nitrogen Trajectories

Within the project (funded by the EU, 5th framework, 2000–2002), we investigated carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools and fluxes in forest ecosystems, in close collaboration with the CARBOEUROFLUX, CARBOAGE and RECAB projects.

We focused on the major European forest species (spruce, pine, beech) to test functional relationships over a range of environmental conditions, and investigated changes in stocks and fluxes along chronosequences to quantify the effect of harvest and reforestation on net C fluxes in managed forests. Within the overall project we carried out two more focused studies, (1) on the age and turnover of soil organic matter, and (2) on the partitioning of soil respiration using the girdling approach. 


Age and turnover of soil organic matter

Buchmann N, Knohl A, Hahn V, Soe A, Kahmen A, Temperton V (2003) Stoffkreisläufe und Biodiversität in terrestrischen Ökosystemen. In: Jahrbuch 2003 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. ISBN 3-598-24930-6, K.G. Saur Verlag, München

Hahn V, Buchmann N (2004). A new model for soil organic carbon turnover using bomb carbon. Global Biogeochemical Cycles Vol 18, GB1019

Janssens IA, Dore S, Epron D, Lankreijer H, Buchmann N, Longdoz B, Brossaud J, Montagnani L (2003) Climatic influences on seasonal and spatial differences in soil CO2 efflux. In: R Valentini (Ed.) Fluxes of carbon, water and energy of European forests. Ecological Studies, vol 163, Springer-Verlag, 233-253.

Lankreijer H, Janssens IA, Buchmann N, Longdoz B, Epron D, Dore S (2003) Measurement of soil respiration. In: R Valentini (Ed.) Fluxes of carbon, water and energy of European forests. Ecological Studies, vol 163, Springer-Verlag, 37-54.

Knohl A, Søe A, Kutsch W, Göckede M, Buchmann N (2008) Representative estimates of soil and ecosystem respiration in an old beech forest. Plant and Soil 302:189-202

Søe ARB, Buchmann N (2005) Spatial and temporal variations in soil respiration in relation to stand structure and soil parameters in an unmanaged beech forest. Tree Physiology 25:1427-1436.

Partitioning of soil respiration (girdling study)

Ekberg A, Buchmann N, Gleixner G (2007) Rhizospheric influence on soil respiration and decomposition in a temperate Norway spruce stand. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39:2103–2110

Hahn V, Högberg P, Buchmann N (2006) 14C - a tool for separation of autotrophic and hetero­trophic soil respiration. Global Change Biology 12:972-982

Subke JA, Buchmann N, Tenhunen J (2004) Soil CO2 fluxes in spruce forests: Temporal and spatial variation, and environmental controls. In: Matzner E (Ed.) Biogeochemistry of Forested Catchments in a Changing Environment. Ecological Studies, vol 172, Springer-Verlag, 127-141

Subke JA, Hahn V, Battipaglia G, Linder S, Buchmann N, Cotrufo MF (2004) Feedback interactions between needle litter decomposition and rhizosphere activity. Oecologia 139:551-559

Zeller B, Liu J, Buchmann N, Richter A (2008). Tree girdling increases soil N mineralization in two spruce stands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40:1155-1166

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