
Coupling of the canopy and the root system through carbon and nitrogen dynamics in tropical trees


Significant carbon sinks of tropical forests are the balance between large photosynthetic uptake rates of tree canopies and ecosystem respiration, releasing CO2 back to the atmosphere. Tree roots contribute greatly to this respiratory flux, but the extent of total root respiration and its regulation by either the environment and/or allocation of photoassimilates from the tree canopy belowground are still largely unknown. This knowledge gap is mainly a result of the inaccessibility of the complex root system of trees.


This project will:

  1. investigate the mechanisms underlying the coupling between canopy and root system in tropical trees;
  2. assess the impact of source strength (canopy) on sink activity (root system) and vice versa;
  3. quantify the net tree carbon balance and belowground carbon allocation; and
  4. identify the coupling of carbon and nitrogen cycles.

We will use a globally unique aeroponic system that can host trees with a 4m high shoot and >6m deep, fully accessible root system. Total shoot CO2 and total root-system respiration fluxes of large tropical tree saplings will be measured simultaneously under various environmental conditions (manipulation experiments). In addition, dual labeling of trees with stable, non-radioactive carbon (via CO2) and nitrogen (via mineral nitrogen) isotopes will be applied to address the coupling of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in tropical trees.

DownloadSee some impressions of plant movements in the climate chambers here. (AVI, 17.1 MB)


Oren I, Mannerheim N, Fangmeier A, Buchmann N, Grünzweig JM (2022) Lack of daily coupling between total root respiration and shoot carbon dynamics in large tropical tree saplings. Tree Physiology 42: 958-970, doi: external page10.1093/treephys/tpab169

Mannerheim N, Blessing CH, Oren I, Grünzweig JM, Bachofen C, Buchmann N (2020) Carbon allocation to the root system of tropical tree Ceiba pentandra using 13C pulse-labelling in an aeroponic facility. Tree Physiology 40: 350-366, doi: external page10.1093/treephys/tpz142

Mannerheim N, Werner RA, Buchmann N (2019) Measurement precision and accuracy of high artificial enrichment 15N and 13C tracer samples. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 33: 1153-1163 doi: external page10.1002/rcm.8451

Oren I, Mannerheim N, Dumbur R, Fangmeier A, Buchmann N, Grünzweig JM (2020) Patterns and dynamics of canopy-root coupling in tropical tree saplings vary with light intensity but not with root depth. New Phytologist 225: 727-739, doi: external page10.1111/nph.16153

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