ICOS-CH News Archive
News 2019
ICOS-CH has published an excursion guide for the CLASS 1 Ecosystem Monitoring Station – Davos Seehornwald. Download the excursion guide Download here (PDF, 7.9 MB) and come visit the site in Davos. (28 November 2019)
Six years of hard work, a roller coaster of emotions, new instrumentation, a completely new data acquisition, a Premium solution, an analogue test, near real-time data submission, new plots being measured in the cold, but now: Davos has been labelled, it is a Class 1 Ecosystem Site of ICOS RI!!! Davos is one of five Ecosystem Class 1 sites and one out of 4 forest Class 1 sites. (21 November 2019)

ICOS-CH team member external page Martin Steinbacher from Empa has been elected MSA Chair at the ICOS Atmospheric Monitoring Station Assembly in Bologna. Congratulations Martin! (18-20 November 2019)
Yesterday, this year’s Annual Meeting took place at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL in Birmensdorf. The ICOS-CH consortium was updated on newest developments within external page ICOS RI and ICOS-CH, discussed on the next steps in the labelling process and made plans for the future of ICOS-CH. Eight scientific talks, both from the ICOS-CH Ecosystem and Atmosphere Community, completed the interesting program of the day. (12 September 2019)

What a day! The ICOS-CH consortium (almost complete) visited the Jungfraujoch, an ICOS Class 1 atmospheric station at 3571 m asl. We learned about the history of the site, about newest results from atmospheric sciences and also enjoyed the view. (18 June 2019)

On 5 June 2019, about 45 members of the Society of Experts of the German State Institutes for Forestry (external page DVFFA) visited our Candidate Class 1 ICOS Site Davos during their bi-annual meeting held in Davos.
News 2018
A newspaper article about the greenhouse gas observations at Jungfraujoch has been published in Download La Liberté (PDF, 676 KB) (27.12.2018)

The ICOS-CH Consortium and some invited guests met again for the Administrative ICOS-CH Annual Meeting, this year in Berne at the House of Academies on 30 November 2018. As last year, the ICOS-CH Annual Meeting was linked to the external page Swiss Geoscience Meeting (30 November / 1 December 2018) and the ICOS-CH community discussed newest scientific results at the ICOS-related session “Atmospheric Processes and Interactions with the Biosphere” which was chaired by Christof Ammann, Martin Steinbacher, Susanne Burri and Stefan Brönnimann.

The new info board in Davos is finally installed (15 November 2018)

Many ICOS-CH members attended the 3rd ICOS Science Conference in Prague and presented their latest research to the ICOS Community in excellent talks and posters (11-13 September 2018)

The next step towards the Class 1 labeling of our ecosystem site is done: we submit near-real time data from our forest site Davos to the Ecosystem Thematic Center of ICOS RI!! A big thank you to all who made this possible!! (27 August 2018)

Congratulations to the ICOS-CH atmosphere team – Jungfraujoch has been external page officially labelled as ICOS Class 1 site! (31 May 2018)

On 17 May 2018 ICOS-CH people working at Davos-Seehornwald met for an informal meeting where the upcoming field season and especially the last steps in the ICOS labelling process were discussed. As last year this event was very fruitful and necessary in order to all pull together towards the ICOS label.

The external page ICOScapes Photo Campaign visited our station Jungfraujoch in March 2018. See this impressive external page video of our ICOS Candidate Class 1 station!
A big thank you to Martin Steinbacher who warmly welcomed the campaign team.

The external page National Climate Observing System (GCOS Switzerland) report was released. For the first time, greenhouse gas fluxes were mentioned as a GCOS data series within an own chapter where also ICOS was mentioned. (February 2018)

News 2017

For the first time, the ICOS-CH Annual meeting was linked to the Swiss Geoscience Meeting and many ICOS-CH members participated actively in the external page 15th Swiss Geosciences Meeting in Davos: Find the corresponding abstracts external page here. (17/18 November 2017)

The ICOS-CH Annual National Meeting took place in Davos to inform all participants about the newest developments, upgrades and the next steps in the labelling process of the ecosystem site Davos and the external page atmospheric site Jungfraujoch (17 November 2017)
At the same day, the observer status of Switzerland was continued at the General Assembly of external page ICOS-RI.

An article about ICOS Switzerland (and the funding for the next four years) has been published in the current external page ProClim News (20.04.17)

Great news! ICOS-CH Phase 2 got funded by the SNF for the next four years! Another 4 years into the 20 years of ICOS RI!! We especially liked one statement of the reviewers when asked about scientific relevance, originality and topicality: "It is a no brainer that the observational efforts like this are absolutely essential during Anthropocene" .... We could not agree more! (30.3.17)

ICOS-CH people working at Davos Seehornwald met for an informal meeting on 22 March 2017. We planned the up-coming field season, informed each other about ongoing work and some of us, who had not even met before, got to know each other. All in all, this was a very positive experience and we will for sure do this more often in the future.

Where the greenhouse gases go? was the major question addressed in the SNF Magazine of March 2017 (PDF, 878 KB). ICOS-CH and the flux measurements at our site Davos give some answers. (4 March 2017)

News 2016

The external page ICOS RI labeling procedure is continuing: our flux site Davos is the first forest Ecosystem Class 1 site for which the Step 2 has been started (application on 12 Oct 2016, official start on 16 Nov 2016).

During the 2nd external page ICOS RI conference in Helsinki (27-30 September 2016), members of ICOS-CH provided insights into their latest research (Download overview poster (PDF, 732 KB)).

The ICOS-CH Annual Meeting 2016 took place at Empa in Dübendorf on 1st September. Scientific results were presented and ongoing as well as future activities were discussed.

April 2016: Our flux site Davos is one of the first European ecosystem sites within external page ICOS RI for which the Step 1 of the labeling procedure has been finished. Now Step 2 can start ....

April 2016: New article by Lutz Merbold on ICOS-CH "Quantifying and understanding Europe's greenhouse gas balance" published in external page ProClim-Flash

March 2016: Long external page interview with ICOS-CH team members about their activities, experiences but also challenges working at the ecosystem site Davos, the first European ecosystem site for which the ICOS-RI labeling procedure has been started.

February 2016: external page Martin Steinbacher and Lutz Merbold currently attend the external page ICOS Research Infrastructure Committee meeting at the external page Institute of Environmental Physics at University of Heidelberg, Germany. During the three-day meeting all entities within ICOS discuss about the future of this external page research infrastructure as well as the overall functioning of ICOS.

News 2015

December 2015: The importance of ICOS Switzerland and the establishment of external page ICOS ERIC was highlighted via the external page High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch & Gornergrat as well as via an article by Prof. Markus Leuenberger on the aim of ICOS at external page University of Bern (in German).

November 2015: Between 25-27th November the external page ICOS ETC invited all external page ICOS Station PIs to Todi Italy. During the workshop the currently existing ecosystem network with its associated observation sites was discussed. Lukas Hörtnagl and Lutz Merbold represented external page ICOSSwitzerland as site delegates for the Davos Seehornwald.

November 2015: The European Commission has officially established the external page Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS ERIC), a new pan-European environmental research infrastructure, which aims to provide long-term carbon and greenhouse gas observations across Europe. Read the Download official press release (PDF, 72 KB) including a link to ICOS Switzerland here.

September 2015: The 4th round of hemispherical pictures were taken in the Davos Seehornwald by Anita Nussbaumer (WSL) et al..

September 2015: The 2nd ICOS Ecosystem Monitoring Station Assembly took place 14th-16th September in Brno (hosted by Czechglobe and Mendel University), Czech Republic. During the meeting the standardization of greenhouse gas measurements across Europe was discussed. Philip Meier, Lukas Hörtnagl and Lutz Merbold contributed to the development of several standardization protocols.

September 2015: The 2nd ICOS-CH Annual Meeting tool place in Bern 10th September to discuss the achievements reached since last year. Presentations: Download Download (PDF, 18 MB) (password needed)

July 2015: external page ICOS Head Office visited the CLASS 1 Atmospheric Monitoring Station - Jungfraujoch in June. See a short external page video about the High Altitude Research Station here.