LERNfeld: Lernen für die Zukunft – Biodiversität und Klimawandel im Kontext der Landwirtschaft

Learn how to be a coach for school children (course offered always in spring semester): see course catalogue
The LERNfeld project is a science and education program for primary and secondary schools. It provides students and their teachers as well as early-career scientists and farmers a unique experience to cooperate in out-of-the-classroom research experiments and discussions.
Primary and secondary school students will learn about agriculture, in particular in the context of biodiversity and climate change based on own, hands-on research. This is achieved with easy field experiments, fact sheets, data analyses and discussions of results obtained by the school students with farmers and early-career scientists (e.g. doctoral students).
LERNfeld will provide teachers with external page step-by-step instructions for learning activities based on current scientific understanding. Activities will be developed by scientists in close interactions and school trials with the teachers. Early-career scientists will provide tutorials on methods, how to collect data and help school students to understand the science behind the data. In turn, early-career scientists will benefit from these interactions, gaining educational and outreach experiences. Farmers will provide insight into their daily routines and agricultural practice. In return, they will obtain the results of on-farm experiments about farm-related topics (e.g. soil fertility, pollination, vermin, beneficial organism etc.).
Project Partner GLOBE
The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program.
The GLOBE Program provides many resources for teachers to guide their students through an exploration of Earth system science. Data collection protocols, providing step-by-step instructions for collecting accurate and consistent data, and associated learning activities, providing an understanding of the science behind the data, are available within the GLOBE Investigations. GLOBE also provides Earth System Science Posters and Activity guides designed to help students explore connections between and among various components of the system, Videos developed to guide students through the data collection protocols as well as some of the science behind them.