Alp Weissenstein / Crap Alv (GR)

Site description

Alp Weissenstein (CH-Aws) is one of the three grasslands within the Swiss FluxNet, but the only one with two names: Crap Alv, as it is called in the local language Romansh.

It is a managed (grazed) alpine grassland at 1900–2500 m asl, mainly on calcareous bedrock. The area and the adjacent facilities are part of the external page Agro-Vet Strickhof. For the long-term history of the site, see external page here. Eddy covariance flux measurements were carried out in campaign mode during summer in 2006 to 2014 (tower coordinates: 46°34'59.5" N and 9°47'25.5" E; WGS84 46.583194, 9.790417; at 1978 m asl). Since 2014, measurements are running continuously.

Research and infrastructure

Enlarged view: Alp Weissenstein – Research station
ETH research station
Enlarged view: Alp Weissenstein – cows
Alpine grazing with cows
Enlarged view: Alp Weissenstein – adaptive EC mast
Adaptive eddy covariance tower


Patrick Krähenbühl (BSc Agrarwissenschaften), ETH Zurich. CO2 Flüsse während der Schneeschmelze auf der Alp Weissenstein


Christine Steinlin (MSc Env. Sciences), ETH Zurich. Winter fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O on a subalpine grassland


Gwendolin Bitter (MSc Atmospheric and Climate Sciences), ETH Zürich. Microclimate of alpine grasslands under experimental drought conditions


Samuel Schmid (Agrar. Ing.), ETH Zurich. Funktionelle und pflanzensoziologische Charakterisierung der alpin-subnivalen Vegetation im Gebiet der ETH-Forschungsstation Alp Weissenstein am Albulapass (GR, Schweiz)

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