
  • Research Sites: To address our research topics, we run several eddy covariance flux sites across Switzerland and have been running two sites in Panama. The Swiss sites cover different land use types (arable land, grassland, forest) and span across different altitudes. In addition, we also use manipulative approaches to test the response of ecosystems to changes in climate experimentally, often at or close to the same sites as our flux measurements. Furthermore, we participate in one of the largest biodiversity experiments in temperate grassland, the Jena Experiment.
  • Stable Isotope Laboratory (Isolab): We are using stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen as a tool to obtain deeper insights in biogeochemical cycles as well as plant ecophysiology and biochemistry. We thus run two isotope ratio mass spectrometers as well as a stable isotope laser spectrometer.
  • Phytotrons: Complementing our field research, we use climate chambers to study processes under controlled conditions.
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