• Ahrends HE, Etzold S, Kutsch WL, Stoeckli R, Bruegger R, Jeanneret F, Wanner H, Buchmann N, Eugster W (2009) Phenology and carbon dioxide fluxes: use of digital photography for process-based interpretation at the ecosystem scale. Climate Research 39: 261-274
  • Bassin S, Werner RA, Sörgel K, Volk M, Buchmann N, Fuhrer J (2009) Effects of combined ozone and nitrogen deposition on the in situ properties of eleven key plant species of a subalpine pasture. Oecologia 158: 747-756
  • Beer C, Ciais P, Reichstein M, Baldocchi D, Law BE, Papale D, Soussana JF, Ammann C, Buchmann N, Frank D, Gianelle D, Janssens IA, Knohl A, Köstner B, Moors E, Roupsard O, Verbeeck H, Vesala T, Williams CA, Wohlfahrt G (2009) Temporal and among-site variability of inherent water-use efficiency at the ecosystem level. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23, GB2018
  • Bessler H, Temperton V, M, Roscher C, Buchmann N, Schmid B, Schulze ED, Weisser WW, Engels C (2009) Above-ground overyielding in experimental grassland mixtures is associated with reduced biomass partitioning to below-ground organs. Ecology 90: 1520-1530
  • Brand WA, Coplen TB, Aerts-Bijma AT, Böhlke JK, Gehre M, Geilmann H, Gröning M, Jansen HG, Meijer HAJ, Mroczkowski SJ, Qi HP, Soergel K, Stuart-Williams H, Weise SM, Werner RA (2009): Comprehensive inter-laboratory calibration of reference materials for δ18O versus VSMOW using various on-line high-temperature conversion techniques. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23: 999-1019
  • Carlsson G, Palmborg C, Jumpponen A, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Högberg P, Huss-Danell K (2009) N2 fixation in three perennial Trifolium species in experimental grasslands of varied plant species richness and composition. Plant Ecology 205: 87-104
  • Craine JM, Elmore AJ , Aidar MPM, Bustamante M, Dawson TE, Hobbie EA, Kahmen A, Mack MC, McLauchlan KK, Michelsen A, Nardoto GB, Pardo LH, Peñuelas J, Reich PB, Schuur EAG, Stock WD, Templer PH, Virginia RA, Welker JM, Wright IJ (2009) Global patterns of foliar nitrogen isotopes and their relationships with climate, mycorrhizal fungi, foliar nutrient concentrations, and nitrogen availability. New Phytologist 183: 980-992
  • de Bello F, Buchmann N, Casals P, Lepš J, Sebastià MT (2009) Relating plant species and functional diversity to community δ13C in NE Spain pastures. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 131: 303-307
  • Don A, Rebmann C, Kolle O, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schulze ED (2009) Impact of afforestation-associated management changes on the carbon balance of grassland. Global Change Biology 15: 1990-2002
  • Eilmann B, Zweifel R, Buchmann N, Fonti P, Rigling A (2009) Drought-induced adaptation of the xylem in Pinus sylvestris and Quercus pubescens. Tree Physiology 29: 1011-1020
  • Gessler A, Brandes E, Buchmann N, Helle G, Rennenberg H, Barnard RL (2009) Tracing carbon and oxygen isotope signals from newly assimilated sugars in the leaves to the tree ring archive. Plant, Cell and Environment 32: 780-795
  • Gilgen AK, Buchmann N (2009). Response of temperate grasslands at different altitudes to simulated summer drought differed but scaled with annual precipitation. Biogeosciences Discussions 6: 5217-5250
  • Gilgen AK, Buchmann N (2009) Response of temperate grasslands at different altitudes to simulated summer drought differed but scaled with annual precipitation. Biogeosciences 6: 2525-2539
  • Hautier Y, Niklaus PA, Hector A (2009) Competition for light causes plant biodiversity loss after eutrophication. Science 324: 636-638
  • Heim A, Wehrli L, Eugster W, Schmidt MWI (2009) Effects of sampling design on the probability to detect soil carbon stock changes at the Swiss CarboEurope site Lägeren. Geoderma 149: 347-354
  • Järvi L, Mammarella I, Eugster W, Ibrom A, Siivola E, Dellwik E, Keronen P, Burba G, Vesala T (2009) Comparison of net CO2 fluxes measured with open- and closed-path infrared gas analyzers in urban complex environment. Boreal Environment Research 14: 499-514
  • Joos O, Hagedorn F, Heim A, Gilgen AK, Schmidt MWI, Siegwolf RTW, Buchmann N (2009) Summer drought reduces total and litter-derived soil CO2 effluxes in temperate grassland – clues from a 13C litter addition experiment. Biogeosciences Discussions 6: 11005-11034
  • Kahmen A, Simonin S, Tu KP, Goldsmith GR, Dawson TE (2009) The influence of species and growing conditions on the 18O enrichment of leaf water and its impact on “effective path length”. New Phytologist 184: 619-630
  • Kahmen A, Livesley SJ, Arndt SK (2009) High potential but low actual glycine uptake of dominant plant species in three Australian land-use types with intermediate N availability. Plant and Soil 325: 109-121
  • Mammarella I, Werle P, Pihlatie M, Eugster W, Haapanala S, Kiese R, Markkanen T, Rannik Ü, Vesala T (2009) A case study of eddy covariance flux of N2O measured within forest ecosystems: quality control and flux error analysis. Biogeosciences Discussions 6: 6949-6981
  • Marquard E, Roscher C, Gubsch M, Lipowsky A, Schmid B (2009) Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship due to increased plant density. Journal of Ecology 97: 696-704
  • Marquard E, Weigelt A, Temperton VM, Roscher C, Schumacher J, Buchmann N, Fischer M, Weisser WW, Schmid B (2009) Plant species richness and functional composition drive overyielding in a 6-year grassland experiment. Ecology 90: 3290–3302
  • Richter A, Wanek W, Werner RA, Ghashghaie J, Jäggi M, Gessler A, Brugnoli E, Hettmann E, Göttlicher SG, Salmon Y, Bathellier C, Kodama N, Nogués S, Søe A, Volders F, Sörgel K, Blöchl A, Siegwolf RTW, Buchmann N, Gleixner G (2009) Preparation of starch and soluble sugars of plant material for analysis of carbon isotope composition: a comparison of methods. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23: 2476-2488
  • Roscher C, Temperton VM, Buchmann N, Schulze ED (2009) Community assembly and biomass production in regularly and never weeded experimental grasslands three years after sowing. Acta Oecologica 35: 206-217, doi: external page 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.01957.x
  • Ruehr NK, Offerman CA, Gessler A, Winkler BJ, Ferrio JP, Buchmann N, Barnard RL (2009) Drought effects on allocation of recent carbon: From beech leaves to soil respiration. New Phytologist 184: 950-961
  • Ruehr NK, Knohl A, Buchmann N (2009) Environmental variables controlling soil respiration on diurnal, seasonal and annual time-scales in a mixed mountain forest in Switzerland. Biogeochemistry 98: 153-170, doi: external page 10.1007/s10533-009-9383-z
  • Saner P, Lim R, Burla B, Ong RC, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Hector A (2009) Reduced soil respiration in gaps in logged lowland dipterocarp forests. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 2007-2012
  • Steppe K, Zeugin F, Zweifel R (2009): Low-decibel ultrasonic acoustic emissions are temperature-induced and probably have no biotic origin. New Phytologist 183: 928-931
  • Sachse D, Kahmen A, Gleixner G (2009) Significant seasonal variation in the hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf-wax lipids for two deciduous ecosystems (Fagus sylvatica and Acer pseudoplananus). Organic Geochemistry 40: 732-742
  • Teuling AJ, Hirschi M, Ohmura A, Wild M, Reichstein M, Ciais P, Buchmann N, Ammann C, Montagnani L, Richardson AD, Wohlfahrt G, Seneviratne SI (2009) A regional perspective on trends in continental evaporation. Geophysical Research Letters 36: L02404, doi: external page 10.1029/2008GL036584
  • van Gorsel E, Delpierre N, Leuning R, Black A, Munger JW, Wofsy S, Aubinet M, Feigenwinter C, Beringer J, Bonal D, Chen B, Chen J, Clement R, Davis KJ, Desai AR, Dragoni D, Etzold S, Gruenwald T, Gu L, Heinesch B, Hutyra LR, Jans WWP, Kutsch W, Law BE, Leclerc MY, Mammarella I, Montagnani L, Noormets A, Rebmann C, Wharton S (2009) Estimating nocturnal ecosystem respiration from the vertical turbulent flux and change in storage of CO2. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149: 1919-1930
  • Vargas R, Wolf S, Zeeman M (2009) FLUXNET Young Scientists Network. FluxLetter 2: 9
  • von Felten S, Buchmann N, Hector A, Niklaus PA, Schmid B, Scherer-Lorenzen M (2009) Belowground nitrogen partitioning in experimental grassland plant communities of varying species richness. Ecology 90: 1389-1399
  • WBGU German Advisory Council on Global Change (2009) Future Bioenergy and Sustainable Land Use. Flagship Report. EarthScan, 400 p
  • Weigelt A, Weisser WW, Buchmann N, Scherer-Lorenzen M (2009) Biodiversity for multifunctional grasslands: equal productivity in high-diversity low-input and low-diversity high-input systems. Biogeosciences Discussion 6: 1-28
  • Weigelt A, Weisser WW, Buchmann N, Scherer-Lorenzen M (2009) Biodiversity for multifunctional grasslands: equal productivity in high-diversity low-input and low-diversity high-input systems. Biogeosciences 6: 1695-1706.
  • Wolf S, Eugster W, Buchmann N (2009) What happens with the carbon? Newsletter of Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, 13.11.2009: 4
  • Wolf S, Walz U, Kleber A (2009) Effects of land-cover change on soil erosion in the Saxon Switzerland National Park Region. Die Erde 140: 155-174
  • Wolf S, Eugster W, Buchmann N (2009) CO2 fluxes of tropical ecosystems with different land-use in Panama. FluxLetter 2: 14-16
  • Zeeman MJ, Tuzson T, Emmenegger E, Knohl A, Buchmann N, Eugster W (2009) Conditional CO2 flux analysis of a managed grassland with the aid of stable isotopes. Biogeosciences Discussions 6: 3481-3910


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