ICOS-CH: Integrated Carbon Observation System – the Swiss contribution to an European Research Infrastructure

The Integrated Carbon Observation System Research Infrastructure external page ICOS RI...
- is a European-wide greenhouse gas research infrastructure.
- operates more than 150 stations across 16 European countries.
- produces standardized, high-precision and long-term greenhouse gas data from its Atmosphere, Ecosystem and Ocean stations.
- supports policy- and decision-making to combat climate change and its impacts.
- is the European pillar of a global greenhouse gas observation system.
- is financed by its member countries.
ICOS Switzerland (ICOS-CH) is a cooperation of several research institutes, the National ICOS Focal Point is Nina Buchmann at ETH Zurich. ICOS-CH contributes two unique Class 1 stations to ICOS RI, one Atmosphere station (Jungfraujoch) and one Ecosystem station (Davos). An urban station in Basel is planned to become an ICOS Associated Station. The Grassland Sciences group, together with WSL and Empa, is responsible for the ICOS measurements at Davos. With these two unique measurements stations and its exceptional geographical location in the central part of the Alps, ICOS-CH is an outstanding node within the ICOS RI network.
Read more about ICOS-CH here: external page www.icos-switzerland.ch
Project Members
- external page call_made Dr. Lukas Emmenegger (empa)
- external page call_made Dr. Martin Steinbacher (empa)
- external page call_made Prof. Markus Leuenberger (Uni Bern)
- external page call_made Dr. Franz Conen (Uni Basel)
- external page call_made Dr. Roman Zweifel (WSL)
- external page call_made Prof. Arthur Gessler (WSL)
- external page call_made Prof. Markus Kalberer (Uni Basel)
Please check out the website of external page ICOS Switzerland for the publications of the entire consortium.